Challenge: Not a single epidemiological study credibly links meat-eating with cancer

Don’t believe me? Show me one. I’ll debunk it before your eyes. Continue reading Challenge: Not a single epidemiological study credibly links meat-eating with cancer

Long-time anti-meat vegetarian activist-researcher on WHO meat-cancer panel

I’ve been writing about National Cancer Institute’s meat-hating vegetarian Rashmi Sinha since 2000. Continue reading Long-time anti-meat vegetarian activist-researcher on WHO meat-cancer panel

Food industry kills more than tobacco industry, UK anti-sugar advocate tells Parliament

An unhinged food nanny advocates for a sugar tax. Continue reading Food industry kills more than tobacco industry, UK anti-sugar advocate tells Parliament

No… study does not link sugar-sweetened beverages with diabetes

The perpetual junk science machine that is the food nanny establishment is out with another whopper: sugar-sweetened beverages (SSB) cause diabetes. Continue reading No… study does not link sugar-sweetened beverages with diabetes

FDA ban on trans fats is junk science

The Food and Drug Administration has just removed “Generally Recognized As Safe” (GRAS) status from trans fats. Food manufacturers will be banned from using trans fat-containing oils, shortenings, and margarines. The ban is not based on credible science and will produce no public health benefits. Continue reading FDA ban on trans fats is junk science