Shocker: Chinese air pollution debunks U.S. EPA junk science

The Chinese city of Xi’an has some of the worst air quality in the world. Yet its air is significantly safer than the air in U.S. cities, according to a new study. Continue reading Shocker: Chinese air pollution debunks U.S. EPA junk science

Rust: Beware EPA Bearing Gifts

By Dr. James Rust
January 4, 2012,

New York Times columnist Paul Krugman posted a column in the December 31 The Atlanta Journal-ConstitutionWhy we should celebrate the gift of new EPA rules.” Continue reading Rust: Beware EPA Bearing Gifts

MF Global exec chairs EPA financial advisory committee

“[MF Global executive Bradley Abelow] has ties to EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson through former New Jersey Gov. Jon Corzine. Each served at different times as the governor’s chief of staff.” Continue reading MF Global exec chairs EPA financial advisory committee