We were notified yesterday by the North Carolina Medical Board that it has opened an investigation (at our request) into another North Carolina-licensed physician involved in EPA’s illegal human testing. Continue reading North Carolina Medical Board Opens Investigation of Another EPA Doc
Category: EPA
Blockbuster: EPA sued in federal court for conducting illegal human experiments
Milloy: GOP needs to start talking about EPA reform now
By Steve Milloy
September 19, 2012, Washington Times
One issue that has been noticeably absent from the Republican platform this election season is any discussion of the Obama Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). It didn’t even come up at the Republican National Convention a couple of weeks ago. If the omission was an oversight, it was a big one. If it was intentional, it’s cause for concern. Continue reading Milloy: GOP needs to start talking about EPA reform now
Legal challenges to MATS rule held in abeyance
“Legal challenges to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s controversial Mercury and Air Toxics Standards by developers of new power plants are held in abeyance, by order of a federal court, while the agency reconsiders aspects of the standards.” [State Journal]
EPA: Staff-wide Che Guevara email an ‘inadvertent error’
“Environmental Protection Agency staff opened their inboxes Thursday to find an agency-wide Hispanic Heritage Month email featuring a prominent picture of Marxist revolutionary Che Guevara, and largely plagiarized from the website Buzzle.com.” [Daily Caller]
Zubrin: Dethrone the EPA
“The current presidential campaign hinges on jobs and the economy. Yet most of the debate has centered on peripheral issues such as the Bush tax cut, when there is a Tyrannosaurus in the room that is being virtually ignored. That monster is the EPA,” writes Robert Zubrin at NationalReview.com.
WashPost: A presidential race low on energy
The Washington Post editorial page asserts, “Coal-related air pollution causes chronic illness and early death…” Continue reading WashPost: A presidential race low on energy
Driessen: EPA’s (Anti) Energy Agenda: What About Wealth and Welfare?
“Rarely in history has one election meant so much, or one agency asserted so much control over our lives, livelihoods and freedoms. The 2012 elections will determine whether America once again enjoys a new birth of freedom, or continues suffering under an EPA that enslaves and impoverishes us, rather than protects us.” (MasterResource.org)
BREAKING: Court tosses EPA's Cross-State Air Pollution Rule
The rule was vacated primarily because EPA failed to provide states with the opportunity to set their own emission standards first, as required by the Clean Air Act. Constitution? What Constitution? Continue reading BREAKING: Court tosses EPA's Cross-State Air Pollution Rule
Romney thinks U.S. air is dirty?
At a London fundraiser last night, Mitt Romney said, Continue reading Romney thinks U.S. air is dirty?
Top Federal Scientist Expects EPA Stonewalling, Lying About Human Experiments
New e-mails obtained via the Freedom of Information Act indicate a top federal scientist expects EPA to be less than candid and to stonewall about its illegal human experiments. Continue reading Top Federal Scientist Expects EPA Stonewalling, Lying About Human Experiments
Video: Milloy exposes EPA's outlaw human experiments at Locke Foundation
Steve Milloy talked about the EPA’s outlaw human experiments on July 16 at the John Locke Foundation in Raleigh, NC. The talk includes brand new information about the EPA’s illegal conduct.
Continue reading Video: Milloy exposes EPA's outlaw human experiments at Locke Foundation