EHP refuses to investigate EPA researcher misconduct

Environmental Health Perspectives editor Hugh Tilson today refused to investigate EPA researchers for scientific misconduct, offering instead to handle the matter as a mere “letter to the editor.”

Last week we transmitted to Tilson prima facie evidence that EPA researchers Andrew Ghio, Wayne Cascio and Martha Sue Carraway committed researcher misconduct by omitting material information from a September 2011 study.

There so far is no “good faith” dispute of the facts we presented. Allowing Ghio/Cascio/Carraway to escape investigation/prosecution by simply responding to a letter (likely in an obfuscatory manner) is unacceptable.

Obama halted EPA regs for political split second to plan massive 2013 environmental regs

“Obama was not kidding when he said that ‘voting is the best revenge’ because he may have the last laugh whether he gets re-elected or not.” [Kerry Picket, Washington Times]

Ralph Hall: Time to rein in the EPA

The scientific enterprise at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is broken, contrary to EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson’s assertions that “science is the backbone of everything we do at EPA,” or that major regulations are based on the recommendations of EPA’s “independent” science advisors. As Americans face a fragile economy and skyrocketing energy prices fueled by President Obama’s agenda, it is important to pull back the curtain on the ideologically-driven processes EPA is using to justify an avalanche of costly rules. Continue reading Ralph Hall: Time to rein in the EPA

New documents prove falsification in EPA air study; JunkScience renews retraction request has uncovered new documents conclusively proving that EPA researchers materially falsified a September 2011 study published in Environmental Health Perspectives (EHP). Continue reading New documents prove falsification in EPA air study; JunkScience renews retraction request

GOP senator would likely oppose potential Romney EPA chief nominee

Sen. David Vitter (R-La.) is signaling that fealty to former President George W. Bush’s administration does not guarantee a potential senior nominee a clear path through Senate confirmation.

Vitter told Greenwire last week that James Connaughton, Bush’s former head of the White House Council on Environmental Quality, would not get his support to be Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) administrator. [The Hill]

Danger, Mitt Romney, Danger: GE General Counsel in Running for EPA Administrator

The general counsel of green energy rent-seeking, cap-and-trade-loving, and USCAP-founding member General Electric is reportedly a leading candidate to head the EPA in a Romney administration. Continue reading Danger, Mitt Romney, Danger: GE General Counsel in Running for EPA Administrator

Driessen: EPA anti-energy regulations killing jobs

“More and more, daily decisions are made less by responsible citizens than by nanny-state government, especially powerful, unelected, unaccountable executive branch agencies in Washington. Among the worst is the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).” [Washington Times]

EPA's Dirty, Dark Secret

October 23, 2012, Investor’s Business Daily | Print Version

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has been sued in federal court for conducting illegal experiments on human beings. A federal judge will now determine whether the EPA has violated federal law and the most sacrosanct moral standards of scientific research or whether the EPA has been lying to Congress and the public about the dangers of air pollution. Continue reading EPA's Dirty, Dark Secret

Flashback: Head of EPA Bars Nazi Data In Study on Gas

“The chief of the Environmental Protection Agency, alerted by a letter of protest from agency scientists, has barred from an E.P.A. report on a toxic gas any data that the Nazis acquired in experiments on concentration camp prisoners.” [New York Times, March 23, 1988]