Double-standard in fake news attack on EPA CASAC chair Tony Cox

Below is this morning’s attack on EPA CASAC chair Tony Cox for allowing the American Petroleum Institute the opportunity for input on some of his research. But Cox has been open and honest about this and the affair is a nothing-burger — quite the opposite of some EPA-funded Harvard and Syracuse researchers exposed in 2015.

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Trzupek: ‘It was a subtle but brilliant maneuver designed to kill coal forevermore’

The Center for Biological Diversity is trying to shut down the coal plant at the University of North Carolina-Durham with a bogus emissions dispersion modeling study and a leftover Obama war-on-coal rule. friend Rich Trzupek breaks it down. Must read.

Read Trzupek’s article at TheEpochTimes: Web | PDF

Glider truck study vindicated by Tennessee Tech: Emissions from gliders and new trucks are about the same

That’s what the letter says. But it probably won’t be what you read in Fake News media accounts (ahem… Eric Lipton, I can’t wait for your report).

Continue reading Glider truck study vindicated by Tennessee Tech: Emissions from gliders and new trucks are about the same

Vehicle Tailpipe Emissions Are SAFE

Enviros are trying to derail the Trump rollback of the Obama fuel economy standards by claiming that increased tailpipe emissions will kill people. As readers know, this claims is total BS.

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Claim: Air pollution leads to millions of ER visits for asthma attacks worldwide

EPA human testing has already debunked this BS.

Idling truck pumping diesel exhaust into an EPA gas chamber containing an adult with, say, asthma or heart disease.

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Will the Trump Fuel Economy Reform Proposal Create Deadly Air Pollution?

Enviros are claiming the Trump rollback of the Obama fuel economy standards will kill people via increased tailpipe emissions. Is this true?

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Here’s why Volvo Trucks is trying to kill American-made glider trucks does better investigative reporting than New York Times‘ self-proclaimed ‘investigative reporter’ Eric Lipton.

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Glider Trucks Caught in Deep State Double Standard

When the Obama EPA issued its rule to kill the glider truck industry in 2016, the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB) approved the rule even though the Obama EPA failed to do the required benefit-cost analysis required by Executive Order No. 12866.

But when the Trump EPA sent the final rollback of the Obama rule to OMB earlier this year, the rule was rejected by OMB because no benefit-cost analysis for the rollback was included — no doubt the result of sabotage by EPA’s resistance bureaucrats and Volvo Trucks lobbying of OMB. That’s how the Deep State rolls. Former OMB-er Rick Belzer explained at yesterday’s House hearing on the glider controversy.

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