Ozone not correlated with asthma hospitalizations, reports new JunkScience.com study

In the spirit of our 1999 debunking of the dioxin scare via original research, we now turn our sights on EPA’s air pollution hysteria. Continue reading Ozone not correlated with asthma hospitalizations, reports new JunkScience.com study

WSJ: Government vs. EPA

“The Environmental Protection Agency’s political agenda hasn’t gotten any less reckless, but the news is that the rest of the government is beginning to notice—including a majority of the states and even other regulators… Between the Governors and AGs, some 27 states are merely asking the EPA to delay the final [“Clean Air Mercury Rule” or “Utility MACT”) until the risks can be properly quantified…” (Wall Street Journal)

Enviros to sue EPA on ozone; Taxpayers to pay for lawsuit?

Enviro groups have filed a notice of intent (NOI) to sue EPA over the ozone standard withdrawn by Obama. If they win, there’s a good chance that taxpayers may have to pay their legal costs. Click for the NOINOI. Click for a law review article about enviros recovering Clean Air Act legal costs.

EPA to ease off on Cross-State Pollution Rule?

“The Environmental Protection Agency, under pressure from some states, industry and Congress, is expected to ease an air quality rule that would require power plants in 27 states to slash emissions,” reports the Wall Street Journal. Continue reading EPA to ease off on Cross-State Pollution Rule?

EPAcalypse Now: Lights Out in 2012?

The National Mining Association last week asked the Obama EPA to reconsider its Cross-State Air Pollution Rule (CSAPR) citing the agency’s failure to adequately consider electric reliability. While this may sound boring, if you like electricity and don’t want to be without air conditioning in future heat waves, you ought to read it. Continue reading EPAcalypse Now: Lights Out in 2012?

Dr. Don Williams: Show us the medical records

The enviros seem to be trying to push back on JunkScience.com’s “Show us the bodies” challenge. Here, Austin, TX physician Don Williams claims to have treated six children one Saturday in August for ozone-related asthma attacks. Continue reading Dr. Don Williams: Show us the medical records