WashTimes: Judge nixes case against EPA human experiments

By Steve Milloy
February 13, 2013, Washington Times

It’s a good thing the U.S Public Health Service called off the infamous Tuskegee syphilis experiments in 1972. Had someone sued to stop the horror, a federal judge like the Anthony Trenga might have stopped the suit — not the experiments. Continue reading WashTimes: Judge nixes case against EPA human experiments

WashExam: Senators — ‘EPA talking out of both sides of their mouth’ about illegal human experiments

“Sen. David Vitter, R-La., ranking Republican on the Environment and Public Works Committee, and fellow committee member Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., accused the Environmental Protection Agency of ‘talking out of both sides of their mouth’ regarding new agency rules that would tighten standards for fine particulate matter – after EPA deliberately exposed 41 people to high concentrations of the pollutant.” Continue reading WashExam: Senators — ‘EPA talking out of both sides of their mouth’ about illegal human experiments

New Japan-China Air Tensions: Smog

The Chinese are actually blaming the Japan for high PM2.5 levels.

“Now comes a new spat, with Japanese officials and media suggesting China’s latest air-pollution crisis may be spreading across the East China Sea into Japan… The Japanese reports drew some harsh response from China. One critic was quoted as saying: ‘After the earthquake, Japan switched from nuclear power to coal fired power, and has been incinerating their waste. This has greatly affected China’s environment, so one cannot criticize only China. The pollution needs to be reduced, but we cannot ignore climate change and neighboring countries’.”

Read more at the Wall Street Journal (subscription may be required).

Study: One in 20 cases of pre-eclampsia may be linked to ozone

Dubious — if true, pre-eclampsia would have occurred during all pregnancies in, say, 1960s Los Angeles when ozone levels could easily reach 500 ppb (vs. today’s standard of 70 ppb). Continue reading Study: One in 20 cases of pre-eclampsia may be linked to ozone

Maternal exposure to outdoor air pollution associated with low birth weights worldwide

I defy anyone to measure a 9-gram difference in birthweight and medically attribute it to a 10-microgram/m3 difference in outdoor particulate matter. Continue reading Maternal exposure to outdoor air pollution associated with low birth weights worldwide