Must-Watch Video: NBC-17 reports on human testing personal injury claim against EPA

NBC-17 investigative reporter Charlotte Huffman nails this report on the EPA human testing scandal. Continue reading Must-Watch Video: NBC-17 reports on human testing personal injury claim against EPA

EPA sued for $2 million by human testing victim; Injured by exposures to high levels of chlorine, diesel exhaust and ozone — without informed consent

Here’s the Greenwire report. Continue reading EPA sued for $2 million by human testing victim; Injured by exposures to high levels of chlorine, diesel exhaust and ozone — without informed consent

Manufacturers sue EPA over PM2.5 rule

“The National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) is challenging the stronger standards on fine particulate matter, or soot, that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued in December. NAM filed the lawsuit Friday in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia.” Continue reading Manufacturers sue EPA over PM2.5 rule

The Guardian on UK air pollution: ‘Why are we only now waking up to this public health crisis?’

Because it’s not any sort of real crisis? Continue reading The Guardian on UK air pollution: ‘Why are we only now waking up to this public health crisis?’

Exposure data ‘Achilles’ heel’ of air quality research

“The lack of quality exposure data is the “Achilles’ heel” of research on the health impacts of air pollution, King’s College London Professor Frank Kelly said last week.” Continue reading Exposure data ‘Achilles’ heel’ of air quality research

EPA human testing scandal extends to University of Washington; Study subjects not told diesel exhaust can kill

University of Washington researchers have violated the Nuremberg Code and the federal regulations governing the conduct of human experiments, according to new documents obtained by through the Freedom of Information Act. The air pollution research in question was funded by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Continue reading EPA human testing scandal extends to University of Washington; Study subjects not told diesel exhaust can kill

Claim: ‘Invisible’ air pollution reduces lifespan by six months in the UK

Just because you can’t see the pollution any more doesn’t mean it’s not killing you? Continue reading Claim: ‘Invisible’ air pollution reduces lifespan by six months in the UK

Supreme court may force UK to act on air pollution

“It will say that the government has known that air pollution from nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and particulates now kill as many people each year in Britain as obesity and road accidents combined.” But where are the bodies? Continue reading Supreme court may force UK to act on air pollution

Republicans press Obama EPA nominee on transparency issues

“Congressional Republicans are already pressing Environmental Protection Agency assistant administrator Gina McCarthy, President Obama’s pick for the agency’s new administrator, on the EPA’s use of secret data to formulate air quality rules.” Continue reading Republicans press Obama EPA nominee on transparency issues