Hansen: Fossil fuel industry to blame for childhood asthma — Irony: Increase in asthma correlates with cleaner air

Warmist James Hansen, late of NASA, is now a pulmonologist. Continue reading Hansen: Fossil fuel industry to blame for childhood asthma — Irony: Increase in asthma correlates with cleaner air

Claim: Air pollution linked to atherosclerosis

It’s debatable whether smoking causes atherosclerosis, a condition that develops naturally and could be affected by myriad other factors. The notion of ambient air quality causing it is ridiculous. Continue reading Claim: Air pollution linked to atherosclerosis

EPA Acting Administrator pushes canard that new gasoline regs will produce $7 of benefits for every $1 of costs — RealityDrop: Rules are all cost, no benefit

No, EPA is not a golden goose whose rules magically create wealth. Continue reading EPA Acting Administrator pushes canard that new gasoline regs will produce $7 of benefits for every $1 of costs — RealityDrop: Rules are all cost, no benefit

NYU prof says cancer risk from soot begins at 8 micrograms/cubic meter — But EPA human tests go as high as 750

From the ongoing Energy and Power Subcommittee hearing. The more dangerous EPA says PM2.5 is, the bigger the hole it digs for itself. Continue reading NYU prof says cancer risk from soot begins at 8 micrograms/cubic meter — But EPA human tests go as high as 750

GOP Congressman says you could subpoena all medical records from 60 miles around any coal plant and never find case of mercury poisoning

From the ongoing Energy and Power Subcommittee hearing. Rep. Lee Terry (R-Neb.) gets the mercury con. Continue reading GOP Congressman says you could subpoena all medical records from 60 miles around any coal plant and never find case of mercury poisoning

Utility Lawyer: If there were a truth-in-advertising rule for EPA, agency would constantly be in front of the FTC

From the ongoing Energy and Power Subcommittee hearing. None of the benefits (or only very little, $500,000?) estimated for EPA’s “Mercury Air Toxics Standard” (costing $10 billion) came from mercury reduction. Continue reading Utility Lawyer: If there were a truth-in-advertising rule for EPA, agency would constantly be in front of the FTC

NYU med prof claims bus exhaust caused 3-week hospitalization for asthma attack — RealityDrop: EPA exposes asthmatics to 10x more diesel with no harm

From the ongoing Energy and Power Subcommittee hearing. As it turns out, the “victim” had a pre-existing pulmonary condition but nevertheless stood at the bus exhaust pipe for 5 minutes or so. Continue reading NYU med prof claims bus exhaust caused 3-week hospitalization for asthma attack — RealityDrop: EPA exposes asthmatics to 10x more diesel with no harm

Laugher: Montana enviro says exporting Montana coal would kill Chinese — RealityDrop: Chinese coal isn’t killing any Chinese

Montana could be contributing to the death and destruction of China’s people. Continue reading Laugher: Montana enviro says exporting Montana coal would kill Chinese — RealityDrop: Chinese coal isn’t killing any Chinese

UN: Air pollution kills more than AIDS, malaria — RealityDrop: Enviros failed to produce a single body in the 2 years we’ve been asking

Hogwash. Show us a body… someone killed by ambient air pollution… even from China or India. So far the enviros have produced not a one. Continue reading UN: Air pollution kills more than AIDS, malaria — RealityDrop: Enviros failed to produce a single body in the 2 years we’ve been asking

Claim: Air pollution in California associated with childhood cancer — So where was all the childhood cancer in the 1950s, 60s and 70s?

If this association were true, there would have been a huge spike in childhood cancer during the 1950s and 1960s. This is junk science because the weak statistical associations are based on unknown exposure data (exposure data is only guesstimated) and the biological implausibility of lumping different types of cancer together (i.e., if an exposure causes cancer, it probably causes one sort of cancer not all sorts). Continue reading Claim: Air pollution in California associated with childhood cancer — So where was all the childhood cancer in the 1950s, 60s and 70s?

Irony: Gov. Moonbeam agrees to help Beijing clean its dirty air; But America’s “worst” air is in California

With all California’s problems, does Jerry Brown really have so much spare time that he can afford to be an air pollution consultant to Beijing? Continue reading Irony: Gov. Moonbeam agrees to help Beijing clean its dirty air; But America’s “worst” air is in California