Video: Milloy pops EPA’s science bubble at Cato Institute — EPA lying about airborne particles killing people

Watch Steve Milloy’s 38-minute dismantling of the Obama EPA’s most important junk science-based assumption — that fine particles from power plants kill people. Continue reading Video: Milloy pops EPA’s science bubble at Cato Institute — EPA lying about airborne particles killing people

Two EPA-conducted clinical studies report no ill-effects from high exposures to ozone

What if you exposed humans to 300 parts per billion of ozone, while exercising or under heat stress, and nothing happened to them? Continue reading Two EPA-conducted clinical studies report no ill-effects from high exposures to ozone

US Global Change Research Program opens comment period on document linking global warming with health calamities

Check out our suggestions for your comments. Continue reading US Global Change Research Program opens comment period on document linking global warming with health calamities

Viral Chinese video: Woman claims air pollution caused baby to have tumor

While we applaud the video’s bold effort to criticize the Communist Chinese government for, among other dastardly deeds and crimes, failing to make a dent in China’s poor air quality… Continue reading Viral Chinese video: Woman claims air pollution caused baby to have tumor

MSM whitewashes EPA human experiments scandal, totally ignoring the central issues

Greenwire’s Robin Bravender and Amanda Peterka apparently can’t even manage he-said-she-said journalism. EPA said everything was okay and, well, what else matters — especially if you’re a journalist who wants to have access to EPA in the future? Continue reading MSM whitewashes EPA human experiments scandal, totally ignoring the central issues