The EPA Lied — Nobody Died

The EPA human experiments controversy is now over. As between choosing whether EPA committed multiple felonies vs. lying to the Congress/public about PM2.5 killing people, the National Academy of Sciences has chosen the “lying’ option. Total victory achieved.

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Video: Milloy presents on illegal EPA human experiments at the Heartland Institute climate conference

The March 23-24, 2017 Heartland Institute conference (12th International Conference on Climate Change) panel on climate and human health effects (Dr. John Dunn, Dr. Jim Enstrom and Steve Milloy) begins at about 8:00 into the video. Milloy’s presentation is at about 8:35.

Claim: Better air quality standards in China could save 3 million early deaths each year

False. Air pollution kills no one in China. China should clean its filthy air, but no lives will be saved. This new study is just more egregiously bad, self-debunking air quality junk science.

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Claim: PM2.5 causes 2.7 million premature births per year

Like shooting fish in a barrel. A new study claims about 1-in-5 preterm births is caused by PM2.5. My analysis shows that not one preterm birth, let alone 1-in-5, can be credibly linked with PM2.5.

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Claim: Chinese air pollution linked to respiratory and cardiovascular deaths

Chinese air is bad, but it kills no one.

A woman wearing a mask walk through a street covered by dense smog in Harbin, northern China, Monday, Oct. 21, 2013. Visibility shrank to less than half a football field and small-particle pollution soared to a record 40 times higher than an international safety standard in one northern Chinese city as the region entered its high-smog season. (AP Photo/Kyodo News)

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Congress is reading ‘Scare Pollution’… are you?

“By all accounts, [the Trump administration was] running around Thursday delivering copies of Steve Milloy’s “Scare Pollution: Why and How to Fix the EPA” to key members of Congress.”

Amazon | Personalized copy signed by Steve Milloy