LOL… dishonest, arrogant NEJM editor Drazen responds to physician letter: ‘We consider this matter closed’

We don’t.

NEJM editor Jeffrey Drazen has decided to risk his and his journal’s reputations to defend air quality lies coming from the Harvard-based EPA air quality mafia. Game on.

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Physicians demand New England Journal of Medicine retract Harvard air quality study

Led by the unholstered and irrepressible righteousness of Dr. John Dunn — “We write to complain that there is a continuing scandal of scientific integrity at the NEJM — junk science in air pollution epidemiology is being sponsored by what most would consider the iconic medical journal of America.”

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JunkScience forces Fake News to retract attack on California PM2.5 study

Our California study is the best-conducted PM2.5-mortality in existence. It debunks $600 million worth of EPA funded science fraud. Yesterday, the Fake News Media tried to smear it. I fixed that.

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New England Journal of Medicine editor chooses lying over science

New England Journal of Medicine editor Jeffrey Drazen has chosen an ominous course for his journal. ended the career of ex-Journal of the American Medical Association editor George Lundberg for dabbling in politicized junk science. We could use another scalp.

NEJM editor Jeffrey Drazen has decided to risk his and his journal’s reputations to defend air quality lies coming from the Harvard-based EPA air quality mafia. Game on.

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Lie ’til you die: Harvard researchers, New England Journal of Medicine continue lying about ‘Air Pollution Still Kills’ study

The New England Journal of Medicine has printed letters commenting on its recent PM2.5 study (the accompanying editorial was entitled “Air Pollution Still Kills”), including a letter from our own Jim Enstrom and the Harvard authors’ response — the latter of whom apparently earned their PhDs in Mendacitology.

Continue reading Lie ’til you die: Harvard researchers, New England Journal of Medicine continue lying about ‘Air Pollution Still Kills’ study PM2.5 efforts pay off: Form economic basis for repealing the Obama EPA Clean Power Plan

You’re welcome. Read my book for how we did it.

Continue reading PM2.5 efforts pay off: Form economic basis for repealing the Obama EPA Clean Power Plan