Fake ‘science historian’ Naomi Oreskes attacks EPA science transparency proposal

Check out my line-by-line comments on her embarrassing essay in this week’s Nature.

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Air Pollution Mafia Attempting to Sabotage EPA Science Transparency Rulemaking

A memo prepared by the University of Washington’s Alison Cullen for the upcoming EPA Science Advisory Board meeting exposes the plot.

UWashington’s Alison Cullen is trying to thwart the Trump EPA’s effort to clean up EPA science.

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Chinese-owned Volvo Trucks pulling out all stops to kill rural American rags-to-riches glider truck business

Despite support from President Trump and EPA chief Scott Pruitt, Tommy Fitzgerald’s incredible American success story runs into a Chinese wall.

Flanking President Trump during a 2016 visit to a Fitzgerald Glider Kits facility are Tommy Fitzgerald, Sr. and Tommy Fitzgerald, Jr.

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Doug Dockery lies about his secret science

In the wake of Tuesday’s EPA secret science announcement, the ever-hopeful Steve Milloy gave 30-minute (at least) interview to New Yorker writer Carolyn Kormann, challenging her to go to Harvard’s Dog Dockery (no slight to biological canines intended) and Brigham Young’s Clive Arden Pope, III to get actually responses to my charges of fraud against them and their PM2.5 research. But Kormann failed miserably. Here’s what Dockery said, or at least what she reported, with my in-line comments.

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Arden Pope keeps lying about his secret science

Check out Brigham Young University junk scientist Clive Arden Pope, III’s ridiculous comments on the recent EPA proposal that would ban his secret science.

Brigham Young University’s epidemiology fraudster C. Arden Pope, III.

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In attack on EPA secret science ban, WaPo falsely describes EPA-funded research as ‘independent’

While I appreciate being quoted in a front-page Washington Post article about a crowning glory of my fight against junk science, I don’t appreciate being lied about.

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NYTimes Investigative Reporter Eric Lipton — Not So ‘Investigative’ on Glider Trucks

Eric Lipton is an “investigative reporter” with the New York Times. I’ve talked with him on the phone. He seems like a nice enough guy. But I’m gonna beat him over the head for his Friday morning tweet about glider trucks.

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‘State of Global Air’: More Air Quality Lies from the Health Effects Institute

The air pollution scare industry is in panic mode, led by the Health Effects Institute.

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Dunn to C. Arden Pope, III: ‘Your scam is being exposed’

Dr. John Dunn taunts Brigham Young University epidemiology junk scientist C. Arden Pope, III.

Brigham Young University’s epidemiology fraudster C. Arden Pope, III.

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William ‘Carnival’ Barker attacks Milloy Wall Street Journal op-ed on secret science

My March 27 Wall Street Journal op-ed “The EPA Cleans Up Its Science” was attacked in a letter-to-the-editor by University of Rochester emeritus professor William H. Barker. I report you decide — and don’t let the title of this article do it for you.

ca. 1927 — W.C. Fields as a carnival sideshow announcer in a scene from the 1927 Paramount Pictures film, . — Image by © Bettmann/CORBIS

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