Air Pollution Mafia Attempting to Sabotage EPA Science Transparency Rulemaking

A memo prepared by the University of Washington’s Alison Cullen for the upcoming EPA Science Advisory Board meeting exposes the plot.

UWashington’s Alison Cullen is trying to thwart the Trump EPA’s effort to clean up EPA science.

From today’s Climatewire:

This “questioning” of the plan against EPA secret science turns out to be a memo from EPA Science Advisory Board member Alison Cullen (pictured above) in preparation for an upcoming SAB meeting.

The plot to thwart the pro-transparency/anti-secret science initiative is clearly visible in this excerpt:

As readers know, the cited (and fraudulent) Harvard Six City and American Cancer Society epidemiology studies are the driving force for the secret science initiative in the first place.

The claim of review by the Health Effects Institute (HEI) is entirely bogus.

First, as an organization, HEI can hardly be considered to be “independent” of anything. HEI is half-funded by EPA. The other half of HEI’s funding comes from the auto and oil industries. Many, if not most of HEI’s corporate members actually favor stricter EPA emission and air quality standards.

Next, the HEI researchers that supposedly did the reanalysis are EPA-funded cronies of the studies’ authors. This is called “pal review” (vs. “peer review”).

Finally, the supposed HEI review occurred circa 2000. Had the HEI review been viewed as credible, certainly it would not have been necessary for Congress to subpoena EPA for the underlying data in 2013 or to pass three bills in the past three sessions of Congress barring EPA from using the data for regulatory purposes without being made available for independent replication.

How do you know when members of EPA’a air pollution mafia are lying? They are talking or writing.

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