Sun Not Shining on State Solar Subsidies

“Michigan Capitol Confidential took a look back at the nine solar power companies that were approved for state tax credits. Many have fizzled with reports that the companies are laying off employees at a time they were supposed to have been adding jobs.” (Michigan Capitol Confidential)

Sen. Isakson: FannieMae should promote green agenda through mortgages

A conservative Senator from Georgia teams up with a green one from Colorado to require that FannieMae consider home energy efficiency in setting mortgage rates? Continue reading Sen. Isakson: FannieMae should promote green agenda through mortgages

Time for Brian Bilbray to catch a wave — out of Congress

Congressman Brian Bilbray (Surfer-San Diego) thinks more of Steve Chu than he does of his fellow House Republicans, taxpayers and consumers. Now, he’s got a tea party challenger. Continue reading Time for Brian Bilbray to catch a wave — out of Congress

NYTimes: Who mailed the anthrax letters?

The New York Times reminds us that we spent September-November 2001 freaking out about real and imaginary bioterrorism. So have the feds figured out who was behind the anthrax terror — or are they riding the junk science railroad to frame a dead man who can’t defend himself? Continue reading NYTimes: Who mailed the anthrax letters?