Atrazine: A Water Rule the EPA Got Right — and Tucker Carlson Got Wrong

Fox News’ Tucker Carlson recently went off on a Trump EPA change to the rules for the herbicide atrazine. Here’s why Carlson and others should dodge pitches and propaganda from green advocacy groups. My column at

New atrazine junk science: Herbicide ‘Though confirmed by many animal studies as harmful to endocrine systems, its specific effects are still unknown’

It’s confirmed as harmful but the effects are unknown?

Atrazine: Demonizing Defendants

We can understand why plaintiffs’ lawyers and allied advocates for the organic food industry would seek to demonize what they see as a deep-pocket defendant and a competitor. But why would Madison County judges ignore overwhelming science and favor the plaintiffs when so many of the county’s tax-paying residents earn their livelihoods in conventional agriculture?

Atrazine braces for another round

“Maryland statehouse observers will be surprised if new bills, seeking to ban the use or sale of atrazine — the inveterate crop-protection chemical — do not appear in the 2012 legislative hopper in Annapolis. If they do, they will be a product of agricultural ignorance and environmental nonsense.”