Air Pollution Mafia Attempting to Sabotage EPA Science Transparency Rulemaking

A memo prepared by the University of Washington’s Alison Cullen for the upcoming EPA Science Advisory Board meeting exposes the plot.

UWashington’s Alison Cullen is trying to thwart the Trump EPA’s effort to clean up EPA science.

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MAGA Miracle: Op-ed by conservative economist in WaPo supporting EPA transparency rulemaking is EPA media release

The combination of the Washington Post printing an op-ed by a conservative economist supporting the Scott Pruitt-led EPA’s science transparency initiative, which then becomes an EPA media release… well, that just doesn’t happen every day!

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75 years ago… New York Times debunks (vs. foments) a health scare

From the May 9, 1943 edition, the New York Times defuses a new claim that declining soil fertility is causing all sorts of human health problems by pointing out that chronic diseases like cancer, diabetes and heart disease are primarily diseases associated with aging — which is what wealthy and healthy populations in developed countries tend to do.

Stanford science reformer Ioannidis exposes himself as incompetent or insincere — take your pick

I’ve always suspected that Stanford University professor John Ioannidis was only posing as a science reformer. His commentary in PLoS against the EPA science transparency rulemaking validates that.

John Ioannidis

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Milloy’s 1994 groundbreaking report on EPA ‘science policy’ and ‘default assumptions’

Now finally available in PDF format, here is my 1994 report on science policy that the Clinton Administration tried to suppress. You can use it to comment on the just proposed EPA science transparency rule.

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Chinese-owned Volvo Trucks pulling out all stops to kill rural American rags-to-riches glider truck business

Despite support from President Trump and EPA chief Scott Pruitt, Tommy Fitzgerald’s incredible American success story runs into a Chinese wall.

Flanking President Trump during a 2016 visit to a Fitzgerald Glider Kits facility are Tommy Fitzgerald, Sr. and Tommy Fitzgerald, Jr.

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