Claim: Dam projects on world’s largest rivers threaten fish species, rural livelihoods

Enviros can block all the hydropower they want… it’ll mostly be replaced by fossil fuels. Continue reading Claim: Dam projects on world’s largest rivers threaten fish species, rural livelihoods

Latest in enviro people-hating — The Anthropocene: Hard evidence for a human-driven Earth

Enviros should just be honest and call it what they really want to: the Misanthropocene epoch. Continue reading Latest in enviro people-hating — The Anthropocene: Hard evidence for a human-driven Earth

NY Times Article on Ocean Acidification: The World Is Doomed, Pay Us to Research It

“Ocean acidification is an alarmist topic that has been easily manipulated because most people lack even a basic understanding of the acid/alkaline scale.” Continue reading NY Times Article on Ocean Acidification: The World Is Doomed, Pay Us to Research It