Nicaragua defies UN; Tries to hold UN climate hysterics feet to fire

“We don’t want to be an accomplice to taking the world to 3 to 4 degrees and the death and destruction that represents.” Continue reading Nicaragua defies UN; Tries to hold UN climate hysterics feet to fire

Wow… ‘Milton Friedman professor of economics’ at UChicago calls for CO2 tax

No doubt Friedman, a climate skeptic, is rolling over in his grave. Continue reading Wow… ‘Milton Friedman professor of economics’ at UChicago calls for CO2 tax

IPCC CO2 budget models based fantasy and bogus accounting, says German think-tank chief

IPCC “economic models… are completely detached from what’s going on in the real world.” Continue reading IPCC CO2 budget models based fantasy and bogus accounting, says German think-tank chief