Politicians sell out warmists: Abandon CO2 budget concept for climate treaty

Politicians wants a deal so bad, they’ll abandon the key precept of warmism to get one. Continue reading Politicians sell out warmists: Abandon CO2 budget concept for climate treaty

Canada backs U.S.: climate deal should not be legally binding Read more at Reutershttp://www.reuters.com/article/2015/11/27/us-climatechange-canada-idUSKBN0TG1YF20151127#CW4uE4DEpzxwTDw5.99

Then why is everyone wasting their time (and our money)? Continue reading Canada backs U.S.: climate deal should not be legally binding Read more at Reutershttp://www.reuters.com/article/2015/11/27/us-climatechange-canada-idUSKBN0TG1YF20151127#CW4uE4DEpzxwTDw5.99

Scottish columnist: ‘Ignore climate change and we are all on the ghastly road to Hell’

But he does place himself in perspective. Continue reading Scottish columnist: ‘Ignore climate change and we are all on the ghastly road to Hell’