The green division of Left-wing radicalism is a $13 billion/yr business — some from Russia

Paul Driessen defends skeptic Willie Soon against yet another scurrilous green attack. Continue reading The green division of Left-wing radicalism is a $13 billion/yr business — some from Russia

Bad Day for Food Nannies: Gov’t withdraws warning against eating cholesterol — 40 yrs of ‘consensus’ science flushed

Right again. Continue reading Bad Day for Food Nannies: Gov’t withdraws warning against eating cholesterol — 40 yrs of ‘consensus’ science flushed

Mann on the Mooney — Part 1: The Washington Post, Michael Mann and the Boston Blizzards

It seems Washington Post environment “reporter” Chris Mooney might want to think twice about parroting anything fake Nobel Prize-winning warmist Michael Mann says. Continue reading Mann on the Mooney — Part 1: The Washington Post, Michael Mann and the Boston Blizzards

MSM whitewashes EPA human experiments scandal, totally ignoring the central issues

Greenwire’s Robin Bravender and Amanda Peterka apparently can’t even manage he-said-she-said journalism. EPA said everything was okay and, well, what else matters — especially if you’re a journalist who wants to have access to EPA in the future? Continue reading MSM whitewashes EPA human experiments scandal, totally ignoring the central issues