Here’s how the Virgina AG investigation of Michael Mann differs from the Democrat inquisition of climate skeptics

Politico tries making JunkScience sound hypocritical. Continue reading Here’s how the Virgina AG investigation of Michael Mann differs from the Democrat inquisition of climate skeptics

Thug Senators Boxer, Markey and Whitehouse now trying to Inquisition private companies about funding skeptics

Unfortunately for warmist creeps, the vast majority of climate skeptics have no corporate funding. So the attempted intimidation will not change anything. —>

New Mann study confirms climate models missed the pause — his excuse is it’s a false pause

Also… an interesting bit of failure-to-disclose irony. Continue reading New Mann study confirms climate models missed the pause — his excuse is it’s a false pause

Communist Party USA very happy when now climate skeptic persecutor Rep. Raul Grijalva first elected to Congress

Comrade! Continue reading Communist Party USA very happy when now climate skeptic persecutor Rep. Raul Grijalva first elected to Congress

Shocking letter of intimidation from Congressman to MIT re climate skeptic Richard Lindzen

‘Democrat’ Congressman Raul Grijalva closes in on 1933 Germany, and the Soviet Union. Continue reading Shocking letter of intimidation from Congressman to MIT re climate skeptic Richard Lindzen

In 1936, the New York Times gave the anti-semitic notion of ‘German physics’ more respect than it gives modern day climate skepticism.

Pay close attention to the last paragraph. Continue reading In 1936, the New York Times gave the anti-semitic notion of ‘German physics’ more respect than it gives modern day climate skepticism.

Study debunks notion that use of fans in hot weather is dangerous

While it at first seems silly that a study was necessary for this, public health knuckleheads were actually scaring people away from fan use. Continue reading Study debunks notion that use of fans in hot weather is dangerous

Fun Facts to Omit and Tell: A big fail for WaPo columnist Jackson Diehl

Washington post columnist Jackson Diehl has an interesting piece this morning about an investor named Bill Browder who once tried to tell the WaPo editorial board that it was all wrong about Putin being a bad guy. Continue reading Fun Facts to Omit and Tell: A big fail for WaPo columnist Jackson Diehl