Ken Silverstein writes in Forbes: Continue reading Gangster Government: Obama administration to seek revenge against coal industry over failure of Binz nomination
Month: October 2013
In denying call for divestment, Harvard cites ‘troubling’ hypocrisy — Can’t invest but can rely on fossil fuel companies?
Study: Mercury in fish, food scare overblown — Dietary mercury a small part of mercury in body
The media release is below. Continue reading Study: Mercury in fish, food scare overblown — Dietary mercury a small part of mercury in body
Claim: Walking reduces risk of breast cancer
This is junk science because… Continue reading Claim: Walking reduces risk of breast cancer
Gov’t shutdown stops EPA enforcement — So no armed raids of mines for water quality checks
Financial Times columnist likens CO2 emissions to ‘poison’ dripped into the atmosphere
Harry Eyres write in the FT: Continue reading Financial Times columnist likens CO2 emissions to ‘poison’ dripped into the atmosphere
For Fanatics Only: IPCC Stockholm meeting didn’t include anyone who didn’t agree with its pre-decided obsession’
Frederick Forsyth writes in the Express: Continue reading For Fanatics Only: IPCC Stockholm meeting didn’t include anyone who didn’t agree with its pre-decided obsession’
House GOP backs away from rolling climate into debt ceiling
Holier Than Thou: Alleged reverend claims ‘God is leading the way’ for warmists
Jim Ball writes at Huffington Post: Continue reading Holier Than Thou: Alleged reverend claims ‘God is leading the way’ for warmists
Study: Life on Earth could not have started if greenhouse concentrations were as low as today’s
Weak solar irradiance was a life non-starter. Continue reading Study: Life on Earth could not have started if greenhouse concentrations were as low as today’s
Bob Geldof: Warming to cause human extinction by 2030
The Daily Star reports: Continue reading Bob Geldof: Warming to cause human extinction by 2030