Schwarzenegger lackey claims Arnold ‘deserves to be remembered as a great California governor’ for signing cap-and-trade law

Schwarzenegger appointee Terry Tamminen writes in the San Jose Mercury News: Continue reading Schwarzenegger lackey claims Arnold ‘deserves to be remembered as a great California governor’ for signing cap-and-trade law

Nutty enviro billionaire accuses Canadian government of lobbying House GOP on Keystone XL during shutdown

Huffington Post reports: Continue reading Nutty enviro billionaire accuses Canadian government of lobbying House GOP on Keystone XL during shutdown

IPCC ‘death blow’ to deniers fails — ‘Unsurprisingly, skeptics remain undead, dismissing report as politically motivated groupthink’

Cathy Young writes in the Sunday Dispatch: Continue reading IPCC ‘death blow’ to deniers fails — ‘Unsurprisingly, skeptics remain undead, dismissing report as politically motivated groupthink’

Free ride for solar freeloaders about to end in U.S. — Non-solar ratepayers subsidize freeloaders up to $254 million and rising

The Dallas Morning News reports: Continue reading Free ride for solar freeloaders about to end in U.S. — Non-solar ratepayers subsidize freeloaders up to $254 million and rising

Money for Nothin’: UK consumers to pay £400 more over next five years for ‘green’ energy — UK not even expected to warm

The Telegraph reports: Continue reading Money for Nothin’: UK consumers to pay £400 more over next five years for ‘green’ energy — UK not even expected to warm

UK headed toward energy crisis; Supply only 4% greater than demand by 2020 — Still warmists press for climate treaty

John Prescott writes in the Mirror: Continue reading UK headed toward energy crisis; Supply only 4% greater than demand by 2020 — Still warmists press for climate treaty

Lib UCLA prof: Enviros dislike growth & consumption, and are ‘eager to believe the worst’ and ‘averse to technological solutions’

Cathy Young writes in the Gulf Today: Continue reading Lib UCLA prof: Enviros dislike growth & consumption, and are ‘eager to believe the worst’ and ‘averse to technological solutions’

Bill McKibben nightmare: Africa fossil fueling-up as Kenya to build 1,000 MW coal plant, 800 MW gas plant

Venture-Africa announces: Continue reading Bill McKibben nightmare: Africa fossil fueling-up as Kenya to build 1,000 MW coal plant, 800 MW gas plant

Should have shutdown EPA earlier: Agency rules killing 380 union jobs at Pennsylvania coal plant next week reports: Continue reading Should have shutdown EPA earlier: Agency rules killing 380 union jobs at Pennsylvania coal plant next week