CEI: ‘Comical that EPA IG relied on the very people accused of violating federal laws to tell him whether there’s any problem’

CNSNews reports:

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Inspector General Arthur Elkins, Jr. “found no evidence” that top agency officials – including former Administrator Lisa Jackson – used fake names and private email accounts to hide their official correspondence from the public in order to evade federal transparency laws.

But attorneys for the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI), which has filed several federal lawsuits alleging that EPA officials did precisely that, scoffed at Elkins’ acknowledgment that his investigation was “based only on discussions with these senior officials.”

“It’s kind of comical that he’s come out and said that he’s relying on the very people who are accused of violating federal open government laws to tell him whether there’s any problem,” CEI attorney Hans Bader told CNSNews.com.

“The violations are widespread and deliberate,” CEI senior fellow Chris Horner added, accusing the inspector general of “willful blindness” for suppressing “the extent and seriousness of the violations” of federal transparency laws that have already been revealed in court.

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One thought on “CEI: ‘Comical that EPA IG relied on the very people accused of violating federal laws to tell him whether there’s any problem’”

  1. Sinple program, extract list of EPA employees, extract list of EPA e-mail address, and compare two lists. Any extra names in the e-mail list are fake names used to hide from records retention law or FOIA requests.

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