Mayor Bloomberg falsely claims coal plant emissions kill 13,000 per year — Show us one body, Mike!

Michael Bloomberg writes: Continue reading Mayor Bloomberg falsely claims coal plant emissions kill 13,000 per year — Show us one body, Mike!

Warmism’s last histrionic gasp? Media overheats on end-of-climate-by-2047 study: ‘Climate plague’ coming

Inter Press Service reports: Continue reading Warmism’s last histrionic gasp? Media overheats on end-of-climate-by-2047 study: ‘Climate plague’ coming

NYTimes goes skeptic on end-of-climate-by-2047 study: Based on models with ‘acknowledged problems’ and uncertain accuracy

The NYTimes reports: Continue reading NYTimes goes skeptic on end-of-climate-by-2047 study: Based on models with ‘acknowledged problems’ and uncertain accuracy

Food nannies rocked — 40 years of federal obesity research fatally flawed, says study — JunkScience vindicated again!

“These results suggest that without valid population-level data, speculations regarding the role of energy intake in the rise in the prevalence of obesity are without empirical support.” Continue reading Food nannies rocked — 40 years of federal obesity research fatally flawed, says study — JunkScience vindicated again!

Skeptic climate model produces ‘no scientific forecasts of dangerous global warming’

Kesten Green, Scott Armstrong and Willie Soon write in the Financial Post: Continue reading Skeptic climate model produces ‘no scientific forecasts of dangerous global warming’