New Zealand Skeptic: ‘Psychotic’ IPCC is ‘more and more certain’ with ‘less and less evidence’

Rodney Hide writes in the New Zealand Herald: Continue reading New Zealand Skeptic: ‘Psychotic’ IPCC is ‘more and more certain’ with ‘less and less evidence’

New Yorker mag hits skeptics as ‘way too amateurish’ to hope to convince anyone of warming junk science

The New Yorker reports: Continue reading New Yorker mag hits skeptics as ‘way too amateurish’ to hope to convince anyone of warming junk science

Michael Mann, Katharine Hayhoe label new Freedom of Information Act request ‘harrassment’ — So stop slurping from the taxpayer trough

In response to the Energy and Environment Legal Institute’s FOIA request of the University of Arizona, Mann and Hayhoe whine-tweet: Continue reading Michael Mann, Katharine Hayhoe label new Freedom of Information Act request ‘harrassment’ — So stop slurping from the taxpayer trough

Gangster Government: Obama administration to seek revenge against coal industry over failure of Binz nomination

Ken Silverstein writes in Forbes: Continue reading Gangster Government: Obama administration to seek revenge against coal industry over failure of Binz nomination