Christian scientist Hank ‘Mr. TARP’ Paulson believes in global warming, CO2 cuts — but not modern medicine

Uber-Nanny Michael Gloomberg, Paulson and the anti-Keystone XL billionaire Tom Steyer today launched a new global warming project called “Risky Business.” They plan to issue a global warming risk assessment during Summer 20124. Continue reading Christian scientist Hank ‘Mr. TARP’ Paulson believes in global warming, CO2 cuts — but not modern medicine

UN says global warming-caused drought caused 2007-08 food shortage crises — but IPCC only puts ‘low confidence’ in climate-drought link

The Financial Times reports: Continue reading UN says global warming-caused drought caused 2007-08 food shortage crises — but IPCC only puts ‘low confidence’ in climate-drought link

Sanctimonious EPA union Prez attacks Congress for shutdown

However did America function before the EPA? EPA employees have and aree killing hundreds of thousands of jobs across the country and we’re supposed to weep because they get paid to stay home a few days? Continue reading Sanctimonious EPA union Prez attacks Congress for shutdown

Video: Michael Mann says global warming could cause mass extinctions, including of people

Tree-ring conjurer Michael Mann bloviates on evolutionary biology. Continue reading Video: Michael Mann says global warming could cause mass extinctions, including of people

Warmists: We should wreck our standard of living with emissions cuts because reading in the dark is bad for your eyes

ClimateProgress opines: Continue reading Warmists: We should wreck our standard of living with emissions cuts because reading in the dark is bad for your eyes

EPA mandates that new coal plants prevent nonexistent climate problem with unavailable solution

Carl Erickson writes at Forbes: Continue reading EPA mandates that new coal plants prevent nonexistent climate problem with unavailable solution