AP exposes IPCC ‘leader’ as blowhard — Carnegie Institution’s Chris Field should read more, bloviate less

The AP reports: Continue reading AP exposes IPCC ‘leader’ as blowhard — Carnegie Institution’s Chris Field should read more, bloviate less

IPCC report co-chair: ‘Not enough literature’ on ocean-ate-my-warming… an ’emerging question’

The Spokesman-Review reports: Continue reading IPCC report co-chair: ‘Not enough literature’ on ocean-ate-my-warming… an ’emerging question’

Canadian paper: ‘Twisted psychology’ behind climate change science…The scarier the science, the wearier everyone becomes’

The Globe and Mail reports: Continue reading Canadian paper: ‘Twisted psychology’ behind climate change science…The scarier the science, the wearier everyone becomes’

Al Gores lashes out at MSM after Reuters rates him a has-been

After Reuters reported that skeptics have turned Gore into a has-been, Gore attacked the MSM for cowering before skeptics. He must be competing in the Petulance Olympics against Michael Mann-child. Continue reading Al Gores lashes out at MSM after Reuters rates him a has-been

On IPCC CO2/temp targets: Even the IPCC doesn’t know where they came from — They are arbitrary

… and not science-based. Continue reading On IPCC CO2/temp targets: Even the IPCC doesn’t know where they came from — They are arbitrary