Secondhand Breath? ‘Make greenhouse gases as offensive to us as cigarette smoke,’ says Sierra Club

The Sierra Club writes to the New York Times: Continue reading Secondhand Breath? ‘Make greenhouse gases as offensive to us as cigarette smoke,’ says Sierra Club

Global warming is just HALF what we said: World’s top climate scientists admit computers got the effects of greenhouse gases wrong

The Daily Mail reports: Continue reading Global warming is just HALF what we said: World’s top climate scientists admit computers got the effects of greenhouse gases wrong

Study: Battery storage won’t work for wind — more efficient to shut down turbines than to store energy

CleanTechnica reports: Continue reading Study: Battery storage won’t work for wind — more efficient to shut down turbines than to store energy

NO… there is no evidence that young people are ‘especially vulnerable’ to ultraviolet (UV) radiation

Local 2 (Canada) reports: Continue reading NO… there is no evidence that young people are ‘especially vulnerable’ to ultraviolet (UV) radiation

UK shoppers to ripped off with plastic bag fees — despite no evidence they damage environment

Contrary to popular belief, plastic bags are not laying waste to dolphins. Continue reading UK shoppers to ripped off with plastic bag fees — despite no evidence they damage environment

Hansen: ‘Canadian government not representative of Canada’ — Does he know this GISS surface temps?

Jim Hansen writes: Continue reading Hansen: ‘Canadian government not representative of Canada’ — Does he know this GISS surface temps?

Kooky food nanny Walter Willett: Ads for kids ‘exploitation, same as sweatshops’

But isn’t exploiting kids to advance the food nanny agenda also exploitation? Willett also slams capitalism. Continue reading Kooky food nanny Walter Willett: Ads for kids ‘exploitation, same as sweatshops’

Obama energy commission nominee says natural gas a ‘dead end’ — because of CO2 emissions

The Wall Street Journal editorializes: Continue reading Obama energy commission nominee says natural gas a ‘dead end’ — because of CO2 emissions