Guardian columnist Moonbat engages in climate class warfare over Aussie elections

Fossil fuels have allowed more people to garner wealth and health than any other human development. Continue reading Guardian columnist Moonbat engages in climate class warfare over Aussie elections

WaPo hits climate study whiplash — First, warming caused Sandy, new study says warming to prevent future Sandy

The WaPo reports: Continue reading WaPo hits climate study whiplash — First, warming caused Sandy, new study says warming to prevent future Sandy

Population-wide salt reduction makes no sense, according to latest worldwide clinical trial

… and the effect of salt reduction in the salt-sensitive isn’t really anything to write home about. Continue reading Population-wide salt reduction makes no sense, according to latest worldwide clinical trial

Media Matters still trying to silence CNBC skeptic Joe Kernen — submit petitioned signed by 42,000 who don’t watch CNBC

Censorship is the American Left’s answer to political debate. Continue reading Media Matters still trying to silence CNBC skeptic Joe Kernen — submit petitioned signed by 42,000 who don’t watch CNBC