Pennsylvania Congressman Shuster: ‘EPA is running rampant’

The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reports:

A day after his colleagues passed legislation to curb carbon regulation, Rep. Bill Shuster, R-Blair, took his own swipe at the Obama administration’s efforts to beef up environmental regulations.

Mr. Shuster on Friday introduced a bill that would require congressional approval for any new Environmental Protection Agency rules affecting domestic energy production.

The legislation is inspired by the closure of two southwestern Pennsylvania coal plants employing 380 people, and by Mr. Shuster’s belief that the EPA is overstepping its authority.

“The EPA is running rampant,” Mr. Shuster said at a conference call Friday.

In a recent speech on climate change, the president urged the EPA to work to reduce carbon emissions. To meet the proposed standards, the coal industry would have to invest billions in technology that isn’t widely available, industry officials have said.

On Friday, Mr. Shuster said that increased regulation would translate into more plant closures, more job losses and, eventually, higher utility costs for consumers.

“This is about jobs. This is about Americans,” he said.

The bill has more than 30 co-sponsors, including West Virginia Rep. Nick Rahall, the ranking Democrat on the House Transportation Committee, which Mr. Shuster leads.

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4 thoughts on “Pennsylvania Congressman Shuster: ‘EPA is running rampant’”

  1. The can’t release the studies because their own scientists found CO2 was harmless so they went with the IPCC report.

  2. Does EPA science ever get peer reviewed? Right now Congress is trying to get data from EPA which will not, as promised, release it to Congress and the public. I wonder why…

  3. Republican Nutjob Runs Roughshod Over Facts!

    In other news, Sun Rises in East! Video at eleven.

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