Environmental Propaganda Agency: EPA issues video series that ‘supports’ Obama climate plan

EPA was set up as an “independent agency” — it is anything but. Continue reading Environmental Propaganda Agency: EPA issues video series that ‘supports’ Obama climate plan

Video: Warmist ad agency proposes naming storms after GOP skeptics

“New York agency Barton F. Graf has turned its roguish attention to the issue of climate change, and is helping 350 Action, a climate change activist group, with the amusing video below.” Continue reading Video: Warmist ad agency proposes naming storms after GOP skeptics

Svensmark Effect Attacked: Study claims cosmic rays don’t effect clouds

Svensmark hypothesized that cosmic rays flux affects cloud formation which, in turn, affects climate change. Continue reading Svensmark Effect Attacked: Study claims cosmic rays don’t effect clouds

Germany’s Renewable Energy Reality: Growing slower than the propaganda would have you believe

“What percentage of Germany’s energy needs comes from solar power? If you spend too much time reading environmental websites you could be forgiven for believing the figure to be anywhere as high as 50%. The actual figure is… Continue reading Germany’s Renewable Energy Reality: Growing slower than the propaganda would have you believe

WaPo slams ethanol ‘central planning’ — but it would somehow be different with CO2?

Sadly though, carbon central planning would be just peachy. Continue reading WaPo slams ethanol ‘central planning’ — but it would somehow be different with CO2?

Fracking defended at coal’s expense with EPA air quality junk science

To fend off claims that fracking poses a risk to health from air emissions, an MIT economist/EPA advisor claims that the risks are offset by lives saved from using less coal. Continue reading Fracking defended at coal’s expense with EPA air quality junk science

Monckton responds to Mann: Global warming has stopped. Get over it.

By Christopher Monckton of Brenchley
August 25, 2013

The collapsed global warming scare certainly has some odd characters coming to its defense in this paper. Michael Mann (Aug. 25), whom the Attorney General of Virginia investigated under the Fraud Against Taxpayers Act 2000 after some statistical peculiarities in Mann’s failed attempt to abolish the medieval warm period, now bloops another blooper. Continue reading Monckton responds to Mann: Global warming has stopped. Get over it.