EPA-funded researcher puts up smokescreen to evade subpoena on EPA ‘secret science’

Brigham Young University’s Arden Pope is simply a scoundrel — taking taxpayer money and then hiding his data from taxpayers as that data is used by EPA in pointless rules that cost taxpayers and consumers billions of dollars annually.. Continue reading EPA-funded researcher puts up smokescreen to evade subpoena on EPA ‘secret science’

Penn. GOP Congressman says his bill would ‘rein in EPA’; COngress’ approval req’d for EPA act against energy

The Tribune Democrat reports: Continue reading Penn. GOP Congressman says his bill would ‘rein in EPA’; COngress’ approval req’d for EPA act against energy

UK paper still refuses to disclose climate blogger employed by EPA contractor

Guardian climate blogger Dana Nuccitelli calls Anthony Watts names (very scientific, Dana) while his publisher seems intent on keeping his background secret. Continue reading UK paper still refuses to disclose climate blogger employed by EPA contractor

Christie Todd Whitman urges GOP to embrace warmism: Check out her climate expertise

Christie Todd Whitman joined today with other RINO ex-EPA chiefs in a New York Times op-ed urging the GOP to go warmist. But who would listen to the airhead? Continue reading Christie Todd Whitman urges GOP to embrace warmism: Check out her climate expertise