Cargo ship attempts to sail from China to Europe via Northeast Passage as climate change melts sea ice to open Arctic ‘short-cut’

The Daily Mail reports: Continue reading Cargo ship attempts to sail from China to Europe via Northeast Passage as climate change melts sea ice to open Arctic ‘short-cut’

Michael Mann says Rep. Rohrabacher unfit for public office because of ‘anti-scientific zealotry’ — meanwhile public employee Mann says ‘proof not for science’

Keep talking, Mike. You’re only making yourself sound nuttier and nuttier. Continue reading Michael Mann says Rep. Rohrabacher unfit for public office because of ‘anti-scientific zealotry’ — meanwhile public employee Mann says ‘proof not for science’

Global warming? Scientists discover that heat from INSIDE the Earth is melting some areas of Arctic ice

The Daily Mail reports: Continue reading Global warming? Scientists discover that heat from INSIDE the Earth is melting some areas of Arctic ice

Researchers, media tease Down syndrome families with bogus hope of ‘cure’

The supposed ‘cure in a petri dish’ is just that — nonsense. Continue reading Researchers, media tease Down syndrome families with bogus hope of ‘cure’

Green car co. launched by Dem Virgina Guv candidate to miss production target by 99.7%

Terry McAuliffe’s promise of one million cars annually gets scaled back to 30,000 — at least his form exceeded its quota for federal investigations? Continue reading Green car co. launched by Dem Virgina Guv candidate to miss production target by 99.7%

Obama dog choppered separately to vacation home; FLASHBACK 2008: ‘We can’t keep our homes on 72 degrees at all times’

The Telegraph reports: Continue reading Obama dog choppered separately to vacation home; FLASHBACK 2008: ‘We can’t keep our homes on 72 degrees at all times’