Your iPhone uses more energy than a refrigerator… Hello, may I speak with Apple board member Al Gore?

The Week reports: Continue reading Your iPhone uses more energy than a refrigerator… Hello, may I speak with Apple board member Al Gore?

Warmists demand apology from Sen. Ron Johnson for ‘environmental jihad’ comment

Of course, the LCV drew first blood by likening Sen. Johnson to a Holocaust denier. Continue reading Warmists demand apology from Sen. Ron Johnson for ‘environmental jihad’ comment

White House installs solar panels this week — Multimillion dollar project will save $2,300 in electricity costs per year

The WaPo reports: Continue reading White House installs solar panels this week — Multimillion dollar project will save $2,300 in electricity costs per year

‘Obamacarbon’: Cap-and-taxers anticipate EPA carbon trading rules; Obamacarbon + Obamacare = 100% economic chaos reports: Continue reading ‘Obamacarbon’: Cap-and-taxers anticipate EPA carbon trading rules; Obamacarbon + Obamacare = 100% economic chaos

Which warmist will be the first to blame violence in Cairo on global warming?

Keeping in mind the recent study claiming a link between global warming and violence/war, here’s the temp graph for Egypt: Continue reading Which warmist will be the first to blame violence in Cairo on global warming?