NO… the EPA-funded Health Effects Institute is not ‘independent’ — not a defense against EPA ‘secret science’

The HEI is a dependent of EPA. Continue reading NO… the EPA-funded Health Effects Institute is not ‘independent’ — not a defense against EPA ‘secret science’

IPCC to be 95% confident in warmism — up from 90% in ’07, 66% in ’01 — despite no warming since 90s!

The Telegraph reports: Continue reading IPCC to be 95% confident in warmism — up from 90% in ’07, 66% in ’01 — despite no warming since 90s!

Dept. of You-Can’t-Use-The-Interior: Keystone XL would disturb wildlife, visitors to national parks

The pipeline would be underground for God’s sake — in a region where there are already many pipelines. Continue reading Dept. of You-Can’t-Use-The-Interior: Keystone XL would disturb wildlife, visitors to national parks

Republican Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn Destroys Hippies With Tweet

Marsha Blackburn, a Republican congresswoman from Tennessee, was not embarrassed that the Obama-affiliated group Organizing for America had sent her one of its sarcastic “Congressional Climate Denier Awards” this week (“For exceptional extremism in ignoring the overwhelming judgement of science”). Because, as she posted on Twitter today: Continue reading Republican Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn Destroys Hippies With Tweet

Name-calling enviro chief continues feigned outraged at Sen. Ron Johnson for name-calling back

League of Conservation Voters chief Gene Karpinski writes in the HuffPost’s “The Climate Change Deniers Are Fighting Back”: Continue reading Name-calling enviro chief continues feigned outraged at Sen. Ron Johnson for name-calling back