Boston Herald: EPA head mocks science

The Boston Herald editorializes:

The new head of the Environmental Protection Agency, Gina McCarthy, told an audience at Harvard Law School that the United States needs “to cut carbon pollution to strengthen the economy,” in the service of which, “We are not going to stop looking at the science.”

Presumably she meant evidence that carbon dioxide emissions help warm the earth. They do; the question is how much. What she’s relying on resembles science less than it resembles religious fervor without a deity.

There’s growing evidence that contradicts the apocalyptic increases predicted by computer models.

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2 thoughts on “Boston Herald: EPA head mocks science”

  1. Anyone who uses the phrase “…cut carbon pollution to improve the economy…” should lead by example and cut ALL carbon out of their life for six months before asking others to do the same.

  2. Anyone who uses the phrase “…cut carbon pollution to improve the economy…” understand little of carbon, carbon dioxide, pollution, or economics.

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