Harvard economist on climate sensitivity to CO2: ‘It is critical to recognize that every link of this chain is full of deep uncertainty that makes it very difficult to answer the question: by how much?’

Martine Weitzman writes on PBS.org: Continue reading Harvard economist on climate sensitivity to CO2: ‘It is critical to recognize that every link of this chain is full of deep uncertainty that makes it very difficult to answer the question: by how much?’

Airlines agree on strategy to thwart climate regulation

The International Air Transport Association Ask is asking for a global, market-based standard to reduce airline CO2 emissions — the perfect strategy for ensuring nothing gets done while looking proactive. Continue reading Airlines agree on strategy to thwart climate regulation

Ben & Jerry’s vows to stop using GMO ingredients in North America by next year

JunkScience looks forward to debunking this — like we did with Ben & Jerry’s dioxin activism. Continue reading Ben & Jerry’s vows to stop using GMO ingredients in North America by next year

EU Luddites, Protectionists Win: Monsanto to stop GMO activities in Europe

“Monsanto Co is not pushing for expansion of genetically modified crops in most of Europe as opposition to its biotech seeds in many countries remains high, company officials said on Friday.” Continue reading EU Luddites, Protectionists Win: Monsanto to stop GMO activities in Europe

Air Scare Debunked: Still no deaths reported from Chinese air pollution

The enviros claim 1,000 deaths per day. Show us a body!!–more–>

From the U.S. China Institute:

ON AN AVERAGE DAY IN CHINA outdoor air pollution causes the premature death of roughly 1,000 people. This is the conservative estimate of World Bank researchers utilizing surveys collected by Chinese government agencies and scholars. A number of news organizations reported that an internal World Bank report put the number who die prematurely each year at 350,000 to 400,000. The World Bank’s preliminary report states that air pollution costs the average Chinese urbanite 18 years of life. In 1997, the World Bank estimated 50,000 Chinese died prematurely each year due to air pollution.

But there are still no reports of deaths from air pollution in China since Steve Milloy wrote this op-ed in January.

Read “Show Us the Bodies, EPA.

Warmist: ‘Obama is the last president who will have an opportunity to deflect a first-class disaster’

All talk and no action so far, says NRDC founding trustee George Woodell. Continue reading Warmist: ‘Obama is the last president who will have an opportunity to deflect a first-class disaster’