Climate skepticism is ‘charlatanism,’ says former director of Max Planck Institute

But no major skeptic point (and we’re hard-pressed to think of any minor ones) has ever had to be walked back. Continue reading Climate skepticism is ‘charlatanism,’ says former director of Max Planck Institute

Sierra Club slams Obama for not mentioning global warming at New Jersey Sandy event

Maybe the Obama campaign will tweet something nasty about deniers in Congress instead? Continue reading Sierra Club slams Obama for not mentioning global warming at New Jersey Sandy event

Warmist protesters tell Chris Christy to ‘stop denying climate change’ during appearance with Obama

At Christy’s appearance with Obama today. Continue reading Warmist protesters tell Chris Christy to ‘stop denying climate change’ during appearance with Obama

Bill McKibben wins $100,000 Sophie Prize for ‘fighting immensely powerful interests’

Like warmism, the Sophie Prize, too, is dying. This is the final year for the award, which James Hansen won in 2010. Continue reading Bill McKibben wins $100,000 Sophie Prize for ‘fighting immensely powerful interests’

UN food nannies agree to ignore blockbuster U.S. report on salt

Even though the Institute of Medicine recently reported that there is no scientific evidence warranting dramatic cuts in dietary salt intake, the World Health Organization just called for a 30% reduction. Continue reading UN food nannies agree to ignore blockbuster U.S. report on salt

Memo to Bad Astronomer Phil Plait — So where is the sea level rise?

The Bad Astronomer is happy to go on and on about melting Arctic ice, but when it comes to supporting his claim that it’s increasing sea level, we get crickets. Continue reading Memo to Bad Astronomer Phil Plait — So where is the sea level rise?

Enviro: For all the Nobel prizes and predictions of global apocalypse and preaching to the converted, the climate change sceptics are winning

“The environmental movement has failed to capture the public’s imagination or to engage and inspire them to demand a green agenda from their governments.” Continue reading Enviro: For all the Nobel prizes and predictions of global apocalypse and preaching to the converted, the climate change sceptics are winning