World Bank wants to fight climate change

The World Bank was the brain child of Harry Dexter White, one of the most powerful government officials in the 1940s and a Soviet agent. Like the Soviet Union, the World Bank has been corrupt and failed exercise in redistributionism. Continue reading World Bank wants to fight climate change

Michael Mann — A Very Voluntary Public Figure – Statement to Congress – July 29, 2003 has exposed Michael Mann’s creepy effort to recast himself as an “involuntary public figure” for purposes of his defamation lawsuit against Mark Steyn, National Review and the Competitive Enterprise Institute. Continue reading Michael Mann — A Very Voluntary Public Figure – Statement to Congress – July 29, 2003

Hansen: ‘Presumption that President Obama is going to approve the Keystone XL pipeline is wrong’

“I cannot believe that Secretary Kerry would let his and President Obama’s legacies go down the tar sands drain.” Continue reading Hansen: ‘Presumption that President Obama is going to approve the Keystone XL pipeline is wrong’

James Hansen goes Marxist: 100% of carbon tax ‘distributed to the public on per capita basis’

From his latest diatribe against the Keystone XL. Continue reading James Hansen goes Marxist: 100% of carbon tax ‘distributed to the public on per capita basis’

Sen. Carper on EPA War: ‘Let’s be reasonable’ — No, EPA is killing America

From The Hill with respect to the GOP block of Gina McCarthy’s nomination to head EPA: Continue reading Sen. Carper on EPA War: ‘Let’s be reasonable’ — No, EPA is killing America