Bizarre: Forbes writer says Angelina Jolie’s double mastectomy can help defeat global warming skeptics

“Her leadership just may end up helping those fighting in the Republican Party to end ongoing anti-science climate-change denial.” Continue reading Bizarre: Forbes writer says Angelina Jolie’s double mastectomy can help defeat global warming skeptics

Nature study: Global warming ‘pause’ may invalidate harsh climate change predictions for the next 50 to 100 years’

“Writing in the journal Nature Geoscience, an international team of climate scientists said a slower rate of warming increase observed from 2000 to 2009 suggested a “lower range of values” to be taken into account by policy makers.” Continue reading Nature study: Global warming ‘pause’ may invalidate harsh climate change predictions for the next 50 to 100 years’

The Grey Lady bitches about Obama offering ‘no visible sign of a coherent climate strategy’

What, Organizing for Action calling Congressional GOP names is not a strategy? Continue reading The Grey Lady bitches about Obama offering ‘no visible sign of a coherent climate strategy’

Warmist Laugher: Public misled on global warming because media gives 3%-skeptics 50% of media coverage

Even if anywhere close to being true, skeptics are pilloried in the vast majority of that coverage. Continue reading Warmist Laugher: Public misled on global warming because media gives 3%-skeptics 50% of media coverage

WaPo: No point in claims of climate ‘consensus’

“There seems to be a fair bit of skepticism among science communicators that yet another study reiterating the expert consensus on climate change will change many minds.” Continue reading WaPo: No point in claims of climate ‘consensus’