Desperate Enviro Canard: Acting EPA admin could be more anti-industry than Obama nominee McCarthy

The WaPo reports: Continue reading Desperate Enviro Canard: Acting EPA admin could be more anti-industry than Obama nominee McCarthy

Bill McKibben: ‘It makes no sense to pay for one’s pension by investing in companies that make sure we won’t have a planet to retire on’

Where’s the planet going? Continue reading Bill McKibben: ‘It makes no sense to pay for one’s pension by investing in companies that make sure we won’t have a planet to retire on’

Bill McKibben’s Economics: ‘We have to take the hundred million dollars a day that Exxon spends on finding new oil, and have them spend it on solar panels instead’

Past the seizing-and-spending-other-people’s-money part, if Exxon did that, it would soon have no money to spend on anything. Continue reading Bill McKibben’s Economics: ‘We have to take the hundred million dollars a day that Exxon spends on finding new oil, and have them spend it on solar panels instead’

Obama: ‘I Don’t Have Much Patience for People Who Deny Climate Change’

“My only interest is making sure that when I look back 20 years from now, I say I accomplished everything that I could… Continue reading Obama: ‘I Don’t Have Much Patience for People Who Deny Climate Change’