Snow possible over Memorial Day weekend in Northeastern states

“And said it could even get cold enough to see snow at higher altitudes in northern New York, northern Vermont, northern New Hampshire and northern Maine.” Continue reading Snow possible over Memorial Day weekend in Northeastern states

Population Bomb-er Paul Ehrlich: ‘Oil barons part of the biggest criminal conspiracy on Earth’

The alarmists seem to forget that much of the oil industry supported cap-and-trade, and now some have voiced support for a carbon tax. If only there were “oil barons” who would band together against the like of Ehrlich… Continue reading Population Bomb-er Paul Ehrlich: ‘Oil barons part of the biggest criminal conspiracy on Earth’

Now he tells us: Steven Chu admits no interest in energy economics until taking Energy Sec. job

How did he get the Energy Secretary job in the first place? Continue reading Now he tells us: Steven Chu admits no interest in energy economics until taking Energy Sec. job

Inhofe on warmists: “They’ve lost their fight. They just don’t know it”

“Sen. James Inhofe (R-Okla.) yesterday called rhetorical links between the Moore disaster and global warming “immoral.” Continue reading Inhofe on warmists: “They’ve lost their fight. They just don’t know it”

Bloomberg won’t spend Sandy relief funds addressing fossil fuel reliance

“The nearly $300 million climate-resiliency initiative established by New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg using Sandy relief funds will not address climate pollution, according to a city official.” Continue reading Bloomberg won’t spend Sandy relief funds addressing fossil fuel reliance

University awards honorary doctorate to Canadian anti-logging enviro referred to as ‘enemy of the state’

Killing logging jobs and blackmailing corporations pays off — at least in academic honoraria. Continue reading University awards honorary doctorate to Canadian anti-logging enviro referred to as ‘enemy of the state’