Anheuser-Busch presses Germany to ban fracking until groundwater safety guaranteed

There is no evidence that fracking has ever contaminated any groundwater anywhere. Continue reading Anheuser-Busch presses Germany to ban fracking until groundwater safety guaranteed

NOAA predicts active 2013 Atlantic hurricane season

Three climate factors that strongly control Atlantic hurricane activity are expected to come together to produce an active or extremely active 2013 hurricane season. These are: Continue reading NOAA predicts active 2013 Atlantic hurricane season

Scalia screws conservatives again: Upholds faulty notion that federal agencies have the authority to determine the scope of their own jurisdiction if the law is unclear

“The ruling is ‘unquestionably welcome news’ for EPA because it is often faced with unclear statutory language. Continue reading Scalia screws conservatives again: Upholds faulty notion that federal agencies have the authority to determine the scope of their own jurisdiction if the law is unclear

Warmist Rant: Bad Astronomer says carbon dioxide is a poison; ‘Tie a plastic bag over your head and let me know’

Bad Astronomer Phil Plait attacked the recent pro-carbon dioxide Wall Street Journal op-ed by Will Happer and Harrison Schmidt in a SETI Institute podcast (around 6:50 into the audio) stating: Continue reading Warmist Rant: Bad Astronomer says carbon dioxide is a poison; ‘Tie a plastic bag over your head and let me know’

Gov. Moonbeam: Warmists losing climate change battle; Urges more ‘activism’

So what does he think Al Gore, Jim Hansen, Michael Mann, Bill McKibben et al. have been doing all these years? Continue reading Gov. Moonbeam: Warmists losing climate change battle; Urges more ‘activism’

Warmists wrong again: Earth’s mantle affects long-term sea-level rise estimates — ‘big news’ says researcher

“This is big news… for scientists who use the coastline to predict future sea-level rise. It’s also a cautionary tale for those who rely almost exclusively on cycles of glacial advance and retreat to study sea-level changes.” Continue reading Warmists wrong again: Earth’s mantle affects long-term sea-level rise estimates — ‘big news’ says researcher

Gov. Moonbeam warns students that global warming a greater concern for them than mortgages, debt or war

When will warmists learn to keep their mouths shut? Continue reading Gov. Moonbeam warns students that global warming a greater concern for them than mortgages, debt or war