Hillary: ‘We live in a great state of denial… We are in race against time’

From Conservation International’s annual dinner… she’s talking about climate, not Benghazi. Continue reading Hillary: ‘We live in a great state of denial… We are in race against time’

Sierra Club ‘deeply disappointed’ that first act of new Energy Sec. is to approve gas export project

“It is deeply disappointing that Ernest Moniz’s first act as Secretary of Energy was to conditionally authorize exports from the Freeport liquefied natural gas export terminal in Texas.” Continue reading Sierra Club ‘deeply disappointed’ that first act of new Energy Sec. is to approve gas export project

Appellate court again sinks Katrina-related claims against oil companies

“The 5th Circuit had little patience for a repeat suit brought by Gulf Coast residents who blamed major emissions producers for fueling Hurricane Katrina.” Continue reading Appellate court again sinks Katrina-related claims against oil companies

Obama approves controversial natural gas export project

“The Department of Energy gave the green light to Freeport LNG Expansion and FLNG Liquefaction’s proposal to send 1.4 billion cubic feet per day of natural gas overseas from a terminal on Quintana Island, Texas, for 25 years.” Continue reading Obama approves controversial natural gas export project

UK court cites ‘very great potential’ of ‘selection bias,’ ‘misleading results’ from Climategaters’ tree-ring data

The Court stated:

We accept that the potential for misleading results arising, for example, from selection bias is very great in this area of research…

Read the decision.

Hansen Disconnect: Says CO2 past is prologue, but NOAA disagrees

James said during today’s BBC interview:

Our understanding of how sensitive the climate system is based on the Earth’s history, not on climate models. We have good data on how the Earth responded in the past when carbon dioxide changed and other forcing factors changed. So there’s no reason to change any forecasts for the long term.

But NOAA just said that last time CO2 was at 400 ppm, the temperature was a lot warmer and sea level was 10-20 meters higher.

Hansen admits: Sun important in climate change

Hansen notes that solar brightness has decreased and the effects are “not negligible.”

[You can’t expect global temperature to increase at a constant rate because] there’s too much natural variability. There are otehr forcing factors. It’s not only CO2 that’s changed. The sun’s brightness changed, ah decreased slightly over the last 10 years, about 0.1 watt/m2. That’s not as large as the climate forcing that you get from CO2, but it’s not negligible.

Hansen’s BBC interview begins at 2:23:49 into the program.