Al Gore: U.S. now less relevant — ‘We are seeing a reversion to the mean’

Projection. As global warming alarmism has become less relevant, Al Gore has been forced to broaden his agenda to “our democracy being hacked.” Continue reading Al Gore: U.S. now less relevant — ‘We are seeing a reversion to the mean’

Al Gore Canard: ‘Many more jobs now in wind than coal’

Al Gore champions inefficiency. There probably are more jobs in wind — but coal provides 10x more electricity at lower prices and without existential subsidies. Continue reading Al Gore Canard: ‘Many more jobs now in wind than coal’

New Green Scam: Climate Adaptation Specialists — 50,000 in the next decade

“As recently as a decade ago, the word “adaptation” was as dirty as coal in the environmental community.” Continue reading New Green Scam: Climate Adaptation Specialists — 50,000 in the next decade