Enviro Conspiracy Theory: Facebook CEO support for Keystone XL a quid pro quo for GOP support of immigration reform

“Zuckerberg, who is hardly a climate-change denier or a big promoter of oil imports, winds up paying for ads that embrass him.” Continue reading Enviro Conspiracy Theory: Facebook CEO support for Keystone XL a quid pro quo for GOP support of immigration reform

Study: Frogs man-up– become less vulnerable to pesticide toxicity with exposure

“This has a beneficial outcome. While it doesn’t mean that pesticides are beneficial to amphibians, our work does suggest that amphibians can evolve to resist a variety of pesticides and therefore improve their survival.” Continue reading Study: Frogs man-up– become less vulnerable to pesticide toxicity with exposure

Report: Health defects found in fish exposed to Deepwater Horizon oil spill

“Crude oil toxicity continued to sicken a sentinel Gulf Coast fish species for at least more than a year after the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, according to new findings from a research team that includes a University of California, Davis, scientist.” Continue reading Report: Health defects found in fish exposed to Deepwater Horizon oil spill

EPA e-mailgate: White House staffer simultaneously on EPA and enviro group payrolls

“One June 19, 2009 from the Windsor account shows Jackson corresponded with Michelle Depass of the left-leaning Ford Foundation. Depass told Jackson that soon-to-be ‘EPA Deputy Assistant Administrator Shalini Vajjhala was going to work at the White House Council on Environmental Quality while also on payroll at the environmental group Resources for the Future,’ according to Vitter.” Continue reading EPA e-mailgate: White House staffer simultaneously on EPA and enviro group payrolls

Big Food conspires with Food Police to make food more costly, less tasty, possibly less healthy

“The Grocery Manufacturers Association (GMA), the National Restaurant Association (NRA) and the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI), recently brought together health professionals and government officials to discuss the progress and challenges of reducing the sodium content in food products to continue efforts to help consumers meet the 2010 Dietary Guidelines of 2,300 mg of sodium per day.” Continue reading Big Food conspires with Food Police to make food more costly, less tasty, possibly less healthy

Claim: U.Va. Researchers’ New Diagnostic Test Can Identify Each Person’s Optimal Salt Intake

“Researchers at the University of Virginia School of Medicine have cut through conflicting advice about salt consumption by demonstrating that each person has a “personal salt index,” an upper limit on daily salt consumption for good health. In addition, they have developed a test to determine that level – and to identify people who should consume more salt.” Continue reading Claim: U.Va. Researchers’ New Diagnostic Test Can Identify Each Person’s Optimal Salt Intake

Nature Study: Global central planning would ensure ‘world’s technological, socio-economic, and environmental systems’ don’t become ‘global time bombs’

Professor Dirk Helbing of ETH Zurich’s Risk Center clearly missed the 20th century. Continue reading Nature Study: Global central planning would ensure ‘world’s technological, socio-economic, and environmental systems’ don’t become ‘global time bombs’

Charade: Michael Mann again pretends to be an ‘involuntary public figure’; Posturing for defamation lawsuit

He also claims to be a victim of McCarthyism… Continue reading Charade: Michael Mann again pretends to be an ‘involuntary public figure’; Posturing for defamation lawsuit

Michael Mann: Without emissions limits, ‘Jersey shore of my youth’ will not exist by 2100

Mann projects sea level to rise six to nine feet by 2100 — that’s 0.83 to 1.24 inches per year. Continue reading Michael Mann: Without emissions limits, ‘Jersey shore of my youth’ will not exist by 2100