“The Environmental Protection Agency endangered about 80,000 farmers and ranchers and their families — and showed whose side it’s really on — by releasing personal information on them to radical environmental groups.” Continue reading Paper: EPA asking enviros to return personal data on farmers ‘like trying to put toothpaste back in the tube’
Month: April 2013
Study: Rate of warming over the past century highly unusual but not unprecedented in context of natural climate variability
The researchers analysed a 364-metre long ice core drilled from James Ross Island, off the northern tip of the Antarctic Peninsula, near where the massive Larsen B ice shelf disintegrated in early 2002. Continue reading Study: Rate of warming over the past century highly unusual but not unprecedented in context of natural climate variability
Desperate: Van Jones tries resurrecting MLK Jr as a warmist — RealityDrop: Fossil fuels have raised more poor people out of poverty than any enviro
Desperate enviros make desperate reaches. Continue reading Desperate: Van Jones tries resurrecting MLK Jr as a warmist — RealityDrop: Fossil fuels have raised more poor people out of poverty than any enviro
Nature Mag Admits: Recent climate, glacier changes in Antarctica within normal bounds; Changes cannot be attributed with confidence to manmade global warming
Their new research suggests the ’90s were not greatly different from some other decades – such as the 1830s and 1940s – that also showed marked temperature spikes. Continue reading Nature Mag Admits: Recent climate, glacier changes in Antarctica within normal bounds; Changes cannot be attributed with confidence to manmade global warming
Study: Summer Antarctic melting has increased 10-fold since mid-20th century
“Today, we see almost ten times as much (5%) of the annual snowfall melting each year.” Continue reading Study: Summer Antarctic melting has increased 10-fold since mid-20th century
Study: Cutting specific pollutants would slow sea level rise
Of course, sea level must be rising somewhere first. Continue reading Study: Cutting specific pollutants would slow sea level rise
NYTimes sows chemophobia: Asserts almost 85,000 chemicals not proven safe; Babies born ‘pre-polluted’; Wants mandatory expensive testing
The reality is that chemicals have helped people around the world live healthier, wealthier and longer lives. In contrast, anti-chemical fearmongering has accomplished little, if anything. Continue reading NYTimes sows chemophobia: Asserts almost 85,000 chemicals not proven safe; Babies born ‘pre-polluted’; Wants mandatory expensive testing
China, U.S. agree to cooperate on climate change
Meanwhile they allow lunatic North Korea to threaten others with nuclear destruction. Continue reading China, U.S. agree to cooperate on climate change
Michael Mann still mocking fellow warmist Katharine Hayhoe for religious beliefs
Evangelical Christian warmist Kathryn Hayhoe believes in a literal reading of the Bible. In an effort to mock Rep. Joe Barton’s recent comment about the biblical flood being a pre-industrial climate change event, Michael Mann retweets that the “Book of Genesis was not peer-reviewed.” Continue reading Michael Mann still mocking fellow warmist Katharine Hayhoe for religious beliefs
Progressive Racism: 100th Anniversary of Woodrow Wilson re-segregating the federal government
“One hundred years ago today, Woodrow Wilson brought Jim Crow to the North.” Continue reading Progressive Racism: 100th Anniversary of Woodrow Wilson re-segregating the federal government
WaPo: Obama right to de-emphasize global warming; ‘So much focus on it has long crowded out other issues’
The WaPo says Congress is the best forum for climate change. Continue reading WaPo: Obama right to de-emphasize global warming; ‘So much focus on it has long crowded out other issues’
House Committee approves bill to overhaul EPA Science Advisory Board
JunkScience helped get this reform started. The bill requires disclosure of agency grants to Science Advisory Board members and other reforms. Continue reading House Committee approves bill to overhaul EPA Science Advisory Board