Food nannies blame salt for Maltese high blood pressure even though salt intake unknown

The Times of Malta may want to salt its news reports with a few facts. Continue reading Food nannies blame salt for Maltese high blood pressure even though salt intake unknown

Bloomberg News Editorial: Approve Keystone XL Now; ‘Doesn’t pose a disqualifying threat to the environment’

“Rather than encourage more study, President Barack Obama should now prod the State Department to move as fast as possible to approve the pipeline and get this overblown and needlessly divisive controversy off the nation’s agenda.” Continue reading Bloomberg News Editorial: Approve Keystone XL Now; ‘Doesn’t pose a disqualifying threat to the environment’

EPA’s Destructive Workfare Economics: Pointless GE PCB clean-up creates 350 jobs at a cost of $2.86 million per job

That doesn’t include jobs created for lawyers and lobbyists, including at the utility GE is now suing — all over a clean-up that is not only unnecessary, but actually causing water pollution. Continue reading EPA’s Destructive Workfare Economics: Pointless GE PCB clean-up creates 350 jobs at a cost of $2.86 million per job

Study: Eating omega-3s, avoiding meat preserves memory — unless you’re diabetic

Because the brains of diabetics are different — or because the study is another exercise in statistical stupidity? Continue reading Study: Eating omega-3s, avoiding meat preserves memory — unless you’re diabetic

EPA study cites report from admitted data fakers

“The Environmental Protection Agency’s revised draft assessment of an Alaska mine project cited research from environmental consultants who admitted falsifying a report in an environmental lawsuit.” Continue reading EPA study cites report from admitted data fakers

Booker: The mercury is falling, but our MPs are full of hot air

“Weren’t we told that, thanks to all that carbon dioxide we are pumping into the air, the world was faced with global warming; that, according to the computer models, temperatures were due to rise by at least 0.3C every decade; and that snowfall in Britain was ‘a thing of the past’?” Continue reading Booker: The mercury is falling, but our MPs are full of hot air

Democrat resolution says global warming could push women into prostituton

“Several House Democrats are calling on Congress to recognize that climate change is hurting women more than men, and could even drive poor women to ‘transactional sex’ for survival.” Continue reading Democrat resolution says global warming could push women into prostituton

Pa. environment agency debunks anti-fracking water pollution claim

The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection on Monday announced that, after a 16-month investigation, there’s no evidence to connect natural gas drilling with high levels of methane found in private water supplies in the small town of Franklin Forks. Continue reading Pa. environment agency debunks anti-fracking water pollution claim

Syngenta: EU Member States again fail to agree restriction on key crop protection technology

“For the second time [the European Union Member States] failed to agree on the European Commission’s proposal for a ban on neonicotinoid pesticides.” Continue reading Syngenta: EU Member States again fail to agree restriction on key crop protection technology